Benefits Info

Paid Time Benefits (PTB)

Full-time and part-time employees are eligible for paid-time benefits (PTB). Employees who receive paid-time benefits credit for all regularly scheduled accrual base hours will accumulate paid-time benefits at the rate shown on the chart below.

Calendar Year Paid-Time Benefits
Completed Years of Service Full-Time & Seasonal Employees Part-time Employees
(24 Hrs)
Part-Time Employees
(32 Hrs)
0 to 5
(0 months through 59 months)
15 Working Days (120 hours) 72 hours 96 hours
6 to 10
(60 months through 119 months)
18 Working Days (144 hours) 86.5 hours 115 hours
11 to 15
(120 months through 179 months)
20 Working Days (160 hours) 96 hours 128 hours
16 to 20
(180 months through 239 months)
22 Working Days (176 hours) 105.5 hours 141 hours
21 to 25
(240 months through 299 months)
24 Working Days (192 hours) 115 hours 153.5 hours
26 to 30
(300 months through 359 months)
26 Working Days (208 hours) 125 hours 166.5 hours
31 and thereafter
(360 months of experience+)
28 Working Days (224 hours) 134.5 hours 179 hours
*Note that prior years of relevant industry experience may be factored into total years of service for new hire PTB.

For additional information about paid-time benefits, refer to the Paid-Time Benefits section of the Employee Guide to Policies and Procedures, or send an e-mail to hr@benesch.com.

PTB Sharing Program

Benefit eligible employees can share paid-time benefit (PTB) hours with other employees under certain qualifying events.

Employees can voluntarily donate their own accrued PTB, up to 40 hours annually, to two types of sharing banks for medical emergencies and/or major disasters. These hours will allow employees use of additional PTB time in unusual or emergency situations.

This program follows IRS guidelines to allow a donating employee to donate PTB hours tax-exempt. The medical emergency bank and the major disaster bank respectively contain separate rules and timelines per IRS regulations. For more information, please see the full policy document below.

If you are interested in donating please see document below or reach out to Benefits@Benesch.

Employees in need of additional PTB would need to meet certain criteria to be considered as a recipient.

Email Benefits@Benesch.com to start a request.

Please include the criteria below to be considered to be approved for the PTB Sharing Program.

  • Have you experienced a medical emergency?
    • Employees must be on or applied for Family Medical Leave (FMLA)
  • Are you currently on Short Term Disability (STD)
    • STD cannot be combined with PTB Sharing. An employee should use STD disability prior to using PTB Sharing.
  • Have you exhausted all your accrued PTB hours?
    • If applicable, have you exhausted your Extended Medical Leave Account?
  • How many hours are you requesting?

Once your email has been reviewed, we will notify you to let you know if you have been approved to participate in the PTB Sharing Program.

PTB Sharing Policy